HOOF-STUFF Antifungal Hoof Pack
New label, new sizes, exactly the same product, ingredients and formula:
You will notice some changes to the labelling but don't worry this is exactly the same product that Red Horse Products have been making for years. The labels have been updated to meet labelling regulatory requirements. Meaning they have omitted some labelling elements that are not mandatory and added others that are. Red Horse Products still use the same quality ingredients in the same high concentrations!
Hoof-Stuff is an antifungal and antibacterial hoof pack for plugging holes and cracks in equine hooves. 290g
Containing only naturally occurring ingredients Hoof-Stuff is non-toxic, safe and easy to use. Its ability to stay in crevices due to its fibrous content allows it to act for longer than other packs and potions. Hoof-Stuff has been found useful for toe holes, white line cracks, central sulcus crevices, abscess cavities, grass cracks among other issues. It's active ingredients act not only to eliminate detrimental fungi and bacteria but also support natural healing and restoration of healthy tissue.
Honey makes a fantastic base for this product increasing its antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic powers and aiding adhesion into the hole!
Hoof-Stuff is advised for use in deeper, tighter holes in the hooves where it is deemed fabric would stay. With shallower holes Artimud is advised instead.
Hoof-Stuff contains the following ingredients:
Unpasteurised Honey - For it's antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic action and also to give the product a good, sticky consistency.
Zinc Oxide - Again for it's antibacterial nature and ability to aid the hoof regenaration process.
Natural Fibres - To keep the other ingredient in place in cavities and to provide 'beneficial pressure' to the inside of them and promote natural regrowth of healthy tissue.
How to use Hoof-Stuff - it's not that hard!
Flush the crevice/ hole with Sole Cleanse and clean out as much debris as possible. Break through the wax seal on the Hoof-Stuff and draw out some fibres with a clean hoof pick. Use the hoof pick to stuff the pack into the crack, not pushing hard if there are signs of sensitivity/it is extremely deep. For central sulcus cracks it can be helpful to leave a 'tail' out the back of the hoof to aid easy removal.
Remove the pack with a hoof pick after 24 hrs, if it is clean replace it with a new pack and leave for longer next time. If the pack is getting dirty then you should replace it more often.
The interval between replacements depends very much on the specific condition and environment.
Do you have to remove the pack and clean the crevice daily or does product stay in for certain time ?
The length of time the product stays in for varies (dependent on environment and the specific condition) but generally if the pack is staying well in the crevice then replacement is not necessary until it discolours. Generally people find they have to replace it every few days to weekly. Once the crevice has had its initial flushing it will likely not be necessary to clean it out again if it does not get dirt in it again (i.e. if the pack is staying in place).
If you remove the pack and it is still bright white and clean then you likely do not need to replace it as often. If it has become discoloured then you should replace it more often.
Should I use Hoof-Stuff or Artimud?
Hoof-Stuff is generally used where the crevice is deeper and able to retain a fabric based pack. As a general rule deep & narrow = Hoof-Stuff, shallow & wide = Artimud.
As a test see if damp cotton wool will pack into the crack, if it will Hoof-Stuff will probably work best, if not opt for Artimud.
Add a 500ml bottle of Sole Cleanse here. It has been found useful to flush cracks in the white line, frog and other crevices in the horses foot prior to packing them with Artimud or Hoof-Stuff.